Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pain in the Knee

Things had been going great at the gym..... until I did the leg press. For whatever reason this one was on an incline, not like the one at physio which is flat. Only did about 12 reps on the lowest setting but my knee didn't like it one bit. Still sore after about 3 days of icing, hope I don't have jumper's knee!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Jump Tests

So this is one of the tests they do to see if you're ready to do sports. First you jump with your good leg, lifting off and landing on the same leg as far as you can (a big one legged hop, basically). Then do the same with your involved (injured) leg. If you get to within 90% of the distance of the good leg you're good to go.

Note you should build up to that exercise by hopping from one leg to the other and noting that while the jump or hop should be big enough to be a challenge, you must land the jumps in a controlled manner... More running and bike this week. Feeling strong.

Bring on more sports!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Longer Runs...

Doing some great biking and running now. Last visit to the gym was 30mins on the bike (setting 11) and 30 running on the treadmill (between 6 and 7). Did the biking all in one go and 2 intervals of 15 minutes for the running. Knee felt excellent after, no icing needed at all!

Feeling a lot more confident about returning to sports as well. Before I kind of felt like it might not be worth it to play again, to go through it all again with the other knee or another bad injury. Now that I'm back running and there is light at the end of the tunnel the whole experience hasn't seemed too bad. Can't wait to be back firing in goals!

Physio says soccer is a possibility in around 2 to 3 months...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Got the all clear to hit some golf balls on the driving range today! Not that I intend to in the very near future due to this rediculously cold weather. Wasn't sure if it would be OK as there is a lot of rotation torque that goes through the left knee on a (right handed) swing.

Apparently Tiger Woods had ACL surgery as well, here is a little more info on his surgery procedure. Some new fancy "double bundle" method apparently... He took 9 months to come back which seems a little long though the fact I don't have a Tiger swing should mean I can get back a little sooner. Sage words from my surgeon: "While I don't recommend Tiger's judgement for everything, it was sound with respect to his knee..."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ice Skating

Did a little ice skating at the Rockefeller Center today, felt pretty good even if a little precarious! Did some exercises the last week or two to prepare. Basically involves exaggerated skating motions, standing upright and bending the knee down whilst shifting the other leg sideways and backwards (about 5 o'clock if you are facing 12 o'clock). Repeat for both legs.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Running, Running and Running Running

Ran for the first time on the treadmill today! Massive massive progress. Did about 6 minutes with the treadmill on 6, no incline. Felt like I could have done a lot more but kept it short to see how the knee will feel over the next few days...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

3 Months Post Op

So the fact that I haven't updated anything here for 2 months says quite a lot about my progress I think!

Shortly after I got off the crutches I got rid of the brace as well as it started actually getting in the way of walking properly.

Physical therapy has been great and doing all manner of exercises to strengthen the hip, groin, quads and of course the knee itself.

Over the holidays I was able to comfortably (I should say as comfortably as economy class would allow) fly to Europe for a little vacation time. Also no issues with the metal detector at the airport which was a relief.

Last week I was able to do a casual dribble with the soccer ball in the PT room and a little passing the ball as well which felt great!

3 month post op visit went off without a hitch and the scar is looking really good, will post a picture for you soon...