Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day of Surgery

Got the call from the surgery late last night, surgery time set for 12.15pm and need to be there 2 hours before to get prepped up. Filled out a bunch of forms (including my will!) at the hospital and escorted to a pre-surgery ward. Once there I'm visited by a nurse to insert an IV into my hand, resident physio who gives me my post surgery exercises already. The surgeon stops by for a chat and to sign the knee I'm going to have surgery on. In fact, every single person who stops by asks me to confirm which knee is being operated on. Also confirm the autograft and the allograft is sent back to the tissue bank.

Last pre-op picture of my knee, already signed and shaved ready for surgery.

Most interesting conversation was with the anesthesiologist. If they offer you a femoral nerve block, take it! it will greatly reduce your pain over the next few days, trust me.

I get walked over to the operating theater and it's a pretty serious feeling walking in there with equipment all over the place. I get up on the operating table and am covered with what I can only describe as an awesome heated blanket. The assistant tells he's putting some sedation into the IV, do I feel it yet? Nope, I say as they push me forwards to insert the epidural into my back. That's the last thing I remember....

I have no idea if I was asleep during the operation. When I came to it wasn't like I woke up, more like a livening of consciousness. I woke up back in the pre-surgery ward and was not alarmed at all, felt very relaxed. They kept me there for an hour or so to observe me and then my buddy was escorted in to take me home. Whole thing took about 8 hours, 10am to 6pm.

My leg looked and felt great (as in no pain). The knee was nicely bandaged up and strapped in to a serious looking brace as well. I was able to swing around on my crutches without much difficulty and we went home. Note they only give you enough pain killers to last you the journey home, so good idea to have one of your friends fill your painkiller prescription ASAP!

For the record, Percocet makes me talk non stop and not remember too much of what I say!

Be warned...

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