Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reason For Blogging

So..... I don't normally do this kind of thing! I tried looking around the internet and there is enough information about the actual ACL surgery and rehab but not so much about the actual experience of going through a process like this.

The best I've seen are Henry (ACL Allograft Revision) and Eric's (ACL Hamstring Autograft) blog which is here. However, now I have done my surgery (ACL Patellar Autograft) I am noticing big differences between their blog and my experience, probably due to the different graft being used, so decided to start this blog up.

I'll put up the links that I used in doing my research, hopefully this will be useful and save you a bit of time and help making some difficult decisions a bit easier! In the interest of keeping everything chronological I'll backdate this post and some of the others. I'm currently 10 days post op, but wanted to keep everything in order you can read it through logically.

Please feel free to add comments with your experiences, or just check in from time to time and follow the ride!

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