Friday, November 12, 2010

Off Crutches

Got off my crutches today and it feels great to have both my hands back! Was beginning to get annoyed at bundling it into cabs and having to prop it up while in meetings and at the bar.

Also all the sticky patch dressings that were on my scars have finally dropped off. Scar looks thinner than I expected. I know it's the sign of a good surgeon, but was kinda hoping it would be a bit more gnarly...

So, victories this week were:

- walking without crutches
- climbing 5 flights of stairs like a normal person (ie not putting both feet on each step!)
- riding the bike with resistance set at 4
- up to 4 resistance springs on the leg press
- sent back the Game Ready icing machine, just not enough swelling to justify anymore
- getting "low" to the Flo Rida in the club......

5 week post op appointment on Wednesday.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Victories and Surgery Bills

Physical therapy going really well. Doing exercises on the leg press and with resistance bands. Warming up on the bike before sessions. Feels great to be riding, even on the lowest resistance level!

Also doing work strengthening my hip and spending time stretching my calf and hamstring. Everything feels quite tight but better after stretching.

Victories this week:
- Walking without crutches or brace
- Going to work with only one crutch
- Range of motion at 122 degrees

Knee looking great and swelling is mostly gone, as are the rainbow colors.

Count of friends with ACL surgery I never knew about is now 15 (!).

On another note, medical bills came in today. So far we have:

Surgery           $16,000
Anesthesia      $4,000

My share of these is about $1,500.
